Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Persuasive Speech Self-Evaluation

Persuasive Speech Self-Evaluation

Q DIRECTIONS: Type a paragraph response for each of the three areas listed below (that is 3 paragraphs total for the whole assignment). In your responses to each area, explain at least one thing you felt you did well, and one thing you would like to improve on. Provide specific examples from your speech to back up your judgments! *RULE OF THUMB: 1 PARAGRAPH = 7 SENTENCES* (1) Content – In what ways did you try to argue your topic? Give an example of Logos, Ethos, Pathos, and Mythos (or at least you used in your speech) and evaluate whether you believe they were effective or not. (2) Organization – How well do you believe you understood and executed the Criteria-Satisfaction organizational pattern? Are you satisfied with the criteria you chose to make your argument? Explain why. (3) Delivery – How did you prepare and practice to deliver your Persuasive Speech compared to your previous speeches? How do you believe your experience presenting on video will affect the way you prepare for future in-person presentations? Explain why. Rubric Self-Evaluation Grading Rubric Self-Evaluation Grading Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDescription of criterion 50 pts Excellent A full paragraph devoted to each area of self-evaluation; identified both positives and negatives; specific examples from speech and course content used to back up judgments. 45 pts Good A full paragraph devoted to each area of self-evaluation; identified both positives and negatives; examples from speech and course content mentioned, but not clearly connected to self-evaluation. 40 pts Acceptable A full paragraph devoted to each area of self-evaluation; identified both positives and negatives; examples from speech and course content vague or unclear. 35 pts Poor A short paragraph devoted to each area of self-evaluation; identified only positives or negatives; examples from speech and course content vague or unclear. 30 pts Very Poor Does not address each area of self-evaluation; does not identify positives or negatives; no examples from speech and course content. 0 pts No Submission 50 pts Total Points: 50 PreviousNext

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Content – I delivered my speech using Logos. I provided my audience with facts and statistics using visual guides and trustworthy sources. I feel like I did well on that part. I still felt nervous, and my speech wasn’t as smooth as I wanted it to be. During this presentation, I have highlighted my citation, so I don’t forget to say them in my speech, so that helped a lot. I felt like I had so much to say this time and so little time with all the researched information I had. Overall I’m happy with my last presentation. Organization – I believe I was able to persuade my audience by providing enough evidence, facts, and statistics and providing my own experience.